Integrative Therapy




Q. What is structural bodywork?

A. Structural bodywork focuses on making sustainable positive change in our physical structure through the balancing of all types of connective tissue. This practice looks not just at the area of discomfort but, at all areas structurally connected to it. Think of it as working to correct the cause and not just covering up the symptoms.


Q. Why do I stay clothed?

A. There can be a lot of movement in our sessions by either me passively moving you or from your participation in active movement. Working though comfortable clothing gives us more ease and confidence in our movements as well as more areas of the body will be available for bodywork and more time on the massage table receiving structural bodywork.


Q. How often do I come in for a treatment?

A. As often as you:

1. Can afford

2. Can make the time

3. Feel it’s making positive changes

It’s just as important to have your MIND and BODY calm and relaxed for optimal change.